PGDay, 2017/02/03, 12:30 - 13:20
Could you please introduce yourself? What is your relationship with the PostgreSQL Project? — I’ve been involved with the PostgreSQL project since 2006. At that time I was an Oracle DBA and PostgreSQL was a breath of fresh air. In the 2007 I contributed to create the very first PostgreSQL day in Italy which fired the European organisation. I’ve not been active too much for personal issues. Recently I’ve started a meetup in Brighton where I live and joined PostgreSQL Europe.
What will you be talking about? — I will share my experience as data engineer in Transferwise. The talk is about my first task since I joined the company in July 2016. The talk will cover the issues I found on the MySQL database used for the business intelligence. I will talk on how the decision to use PostgreSQL scaled out the system and how we solved the privacy requirements adapting a replication tool I coded using Python.
How did you come up with the idea for this talk? — When I submitted the talk the analytics db project was 80% complete. I estimated it would reach the production state by the fosdem pgday so I prepared the talk proposal. My estimate was correct.
Ninja and elephant? How does that fit together? — That was a sort of joke. In Transferwise we have the ninja team making superhuman tasks all day. I thought was an elephant, doing amazing things could be best described as a ninja as well.
How is the PostgreSQL community in Brighton? —
I started this meetup in July 2015 to do PostgreSQL advocacy knowledge sharing. After 18 months we are 99 sea elephants and we have regular monthly meetings with any sort of topics.
Maybe in the future we’ll be able to organise something slightly bigger.
Have you been to FOSDEM or FOSDEM PGDay before? — Nope. This is the first time for me and I’m really excited.